Why Accounting Chamber of Azerbaijan is not accountable to the public?

The Accounting Chamber of Azerbaijan is not accountable to the public so that among 700 respondents only 150 people have heard of this structure , and only half of them know that it is designed to monitor the transparency of budget revenues and expenditures. With these figures, a keynote address at the conference "Party control of state funds" in the Mariott Hotel in organizational and financial support of the European Union was made ??by the expert of the Center for Economic and Social Development Rashad Hasanov .

According to him , the Chamber develops breadth - if in 2007 there were only three target complex audit actions, in 2008 there were 23 and in 2012 there were 68. This was reflected in the scores of the country reports in the international anti-corruption organization Transparency International - on the 100 -point scale in 2000, the country scored 15 points, in 2008 - 23 , in 2013 - 28 points. Nevertheless , this does not reflect the efficiency of government - the country ranked only 127 out of 177 countries.

Inefficiency of the Accounting Chamber is associated primarily with accountability to Parliament. The Regulations on the activities of its borders are not clear, as there is not clear division between accessible and non-public information - decisions about how to "show" the result of the audit in the media or not, receives the College . In addition, it is necessary to create regional divisions structure to access all business entities responsible for the budget. There is also a sense to increase the term of office of members of the Board from 7 to 15 years or more , so that they feel more confident during the announcement of the verdicts were less dependent on specific convocation and parliamentarians were not afraid for their fate after retirement.

According to Hasanov , the Chamber does not have full access to governmental funds ( the State Oil Fund , for example) , living and developing the budget. Due to the weak institutional position she did not disclose the audit methodology , its annual reports and recommendations of the same type , only the numbers change . The report reflects only estimates of internal audit, is not involved in the activities of members of the public that hinders the fight against corruption and weakens the position of civil society.

The Chamber's site does not make its reports to Parliament visible at all and the Milli Majlis puts them in truncated form, while it is time to take into account changes in methodology and the project CAP / SAP (even in PDF) on the website, the expert said. The reports do not justify the Chamber's budget revenues, there is no sector division, as well as there is no justification of investment projects , issued for social programs, but only pure statement.

Oil money expenses, as well as income on oil, are given in generalized terms, without real predictions, which is a consequence of the fact that the Ministry of Finance also does not reveal any sources or specific areas of expenditure - MPs are notified a week before the debate , and the journalists have very little idea about the topic. - 17D-


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