With the support of Azercell authors of start-up projects visited the United States

Six finalists of the Startup project from Azerbaijan, selected by an international jury in the framework of the Scientific and Technological Enterprise, conducted by Barama Innovation Center of Azercell together with the U.S. Civilian Research and Development Foundation visited the cities of San Francisco, Boston and Washington DC, USA.

According to a press release, they took part in two international conferences, and held meetings with representatives of Microsoft, Dell, Ericsson and other leading companies. Also, the young people of Azerbaijan visited the head office of Google in San Francisco. After the visit to San Francisco, the authors of the projects presented their ideas on another technology conference in Boston. Investors and venture funds to various projects were presented, developed in Azerbaijan. On the last day of the visit, they also took part in several training courses in Washington DC.

Thus, with the support of Azercell these start-up people were able to acquire and use in Azerbaijan knowledge gained during the program in the United States.

It is reported that the teams that will be selected in the final stage in December of this year, an international jury will be able to present their more advanced and refined business ideas. The winners are expected to be awarded grants in the amount of U.S. $ 10 000, U.S. $ 7,500 and U.S. $ 5,000.

Recall that the winners of the program for young entrepreneurs were Dilara Rustamzade with the project "Tuning Fork", Rahman Mamedli with the project "NeWo", Anar Rustamov with the project "Smart Safe House", Metanet Mehrabova with the project "Solar Panels", Azer Aliyev with the project " Azikus " Amid Guliyev with the project " SocSet ".

Azercell Telecom Company creates different opportunities for young people to realize ideas. The main goal of the Innovation Center for Barama, operating at Azercell, is a research, development and implementation of new ideas in the field of ICT. More than 3,000 young people have participated in various projects Barama Innovation Center since its founding in 2009.

For more information, please visit news@mcs.az - 17D-


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