Expert: This Means Increase in USD in Material Terms

Baku / 22.03.18 / Turan: "Raising the discount rate of the US dollar by another 0.25 will indirectly and not directly affect Azerbaijan," the economist Neymat Aliyev said, commenting the increase in the base USD rate by the US Federal Reserve by 0.25 on March 21.

Neymat Aliyev notes that increasing the discount rate is a decision taken by the owner, and this means increase in the price of property expressed in USD. This rise in price will manifest itself in import operations in a different currency, in relations within the framework of services.

"As for Azerbaijan, the appreciation of the dollar inside the country is connected with the decision of the Central Bank, I would not like to assess this issue yet," the expert said about the dollar"s "fate".

According to N. Aliyev, the government of Azerbaijan wants to increase exports, which in the current situation is one of the ways of the inflow of currency into the country: "However, negative influence in the field of economy can cross out the possibilities of attracting more currency into the country." -0-

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