Council of Europe Conference

“Freedom of expression: still a precondition for democracy?”

Strasbourg, 13-14 October 2015

The Conference will bring together judges, lawyers, representatives of member States, civil society, the private sector and academia to discuss the following key themes:

  • Free and pluralist public debate, a precondition for democracy; how to create an enabling environment?
  • Freedom to “offend shock or disturb”: where do we stand?
  • The fight against terrorism: are we all potential suspects?
  • Protecting freedom of expression online: what is the role of intermediaries?
  • Decrypting the implications and assessing the costs of mass surveillance on freedom of expression.


The main objectives of the Conference will be:

§  To raise awareness and command the attention of member states, private sector and civil society about the Council of Europe historical role and responsibility as a guardian of freedom of expression in Europe, to show-case the Council of Europe acquis, notably the jurisprudence of the Court;

§  To provide a forum for reflection and discussion on how to assess the impact of state action (legislative and non-legislative) on freedom of expression;

§  To build European momentum for a continued and intensified dialogue between all actors, as an imperative for the realisation of freedom of expression at all times and contexts, including in times of crisis;

§  To mark decisive steps towards strengthening Council of Europe collective action with other international organisations on promoting freedom of expression in Europe,in particular the Europe-wide programme to support national mechanisms to protect freedom of expression (see Secretary General’s report “State of democracy, human rights and rule of law in Europe”).

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