Israel and Turkey resume secret diplomatic contacts

Secret meeting of journalists from Israel and Turkey took place in Rome on June 22. The meeting was dedicated to efforts to resolve the conflict between the two countries. This is the first meeting of the kind after more than a year, the site IZrus/

Dory Gold, the Director General of the Foreign Ministry and  one of the confidants of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu flew  to Rome; and  Turkey  was represented by the  "curator of the Israeli issue," First Deputy Foreign Minister Feridun Sinirlioglu.

In 2010, the bad relations between Turkey and Israel took an acute form of the conflict after the Turkish ship "Mavi Marmara" tried to break the naval blockade of the Gaza Strip. During the interception of the ship, Israeli commandos killed nine Turkish citizens. Another 30 passengers of the ship, and 10 Israeli soldiers were wounded.

In 2013, Israel apologized for the incident at the insistence of the US leadership. The Turkish side, however, insists on the payment of compensation to the families of the victims, despite the fact that they attacked Israeli soldiers with machetes in their hands.

So far, according to the publications on the subject, Israel expressed its consent to certain "intermediate" option: the creation of a humanitarian fund for financial support of relatives of the killed "activists." Israel has also sought the termination of prosecution  the Israeli citizens for the events on the ship "Mavi Marmara". -02D-

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