Майк Помпео

Майк Помпео

Baku / 01.05.18 / Turan: The State Department issued a statement by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo in connection with Israel's documents confirming the continuation of nuclear development by Iran.

"For many years, the Iranian regime has persistently declared to the whole world that its nuclear program was peaceful. The documents received by Israel from inside Iran undoubtedly show that the Iranian regime did not speak the truth. I personally got to know many of the Iranian files. Our experts in the field of nonproliferation and intelligence officers analyze tens of thousands of pages, and translate them from Farsi. This analytical work will last for many months. We came to the conclusion that the documents we examined are genuine," Pompeo said.

The Secretary of State noted, the documents show that for many years, Iran has carried out a secret program to create nuclear weapons. Iran sought to develop nuclear weapons and missile delivery systems. Iran hid a huge nuclear archive from around the world and from the IAEA - to this day.

Pompeo believes that among the shortcomings of the nuclear agreement with Iran was the ignoring of Iran's illegal activities related to its military nuclear program.

"Over the years, the Iranian authorities have had many opportunities to transfer their files to international IAEA inspectors and recognize their work on developing nuclear weapons. Instead, they lied to the IAEA again and again. They also lied about their program to six states that negotiated the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (CFA). This means that this transaction was not built on the foundation of goodwill or transparency. It was built on Iranian lies. Iran's nuclear deception is incompatible with the promise contained in the nuclear deal that "under no circumstances will Iran seek, develop or acquire any nuclear weapons."

Pompeo notes that as May 12 approaches - the term set by the US President for the correction of the UWPD - he will consult with European allies and other countries in connection with the current situation.

Deputy Foreign Minister of the Islamic Republic of Iran Abbas Arakchi, calling the statements of Netanyahu obsolete to Iran, said that earlier, according to such accusations, the Israelis raised the issue of the so-called possible military aspects (PMD) of Iran's nuclear program, but the IAEA denied the credibility of these documents in 2015.

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said that Israel's accusations of Teheran's existence of a secret military nuclear program were "old accusations", which in the past were considered by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). - 0-

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