Rusiya prezidenti Vladimir Putin, İkinci Dünya müharibəsinin bitməsinin 78-ci ildönümünə həsr olunmuş Qələbə günü hərbi paradında, 9 May 2022 Bazar ertəsi günü Rusiyanın Moskva şəhərindəki Qırmızı meydanda çıxış edir.  ASSOCİATED PRESS

Rusiya prezidenti Vladimir Putin, İkinci Dünya müharibəsinin bitməsinin 78-ci ildönümünə həsr olunmuş Qələbə günü hərbi paradında, 9 May 2022 Bazar ertəsi günü Rusiyanın Moskva şəhərindəki Qırmızı meydanda çıxış edir. ASSOCİATED PRESS

Baku/09.05.23/Turan: Russian President Vladimir Putin delivered a Victory Parade speech on Red Square, congratulating everyone on Victory Day.

He accused "neo-Nazi evil spirits" of being directed against the Russian Federation, saying that a war has been unleashed against the motherland again.

According to him, the country will ensure its security and defeat terrorism while protecting the residents of Donbass.

Putin criticized the demolition of monuments to Soviet soldiers and declared "the creation of a cult of Nazis."

He believes that "outraging the generation of winners is also a crime" and that Ukraine is a hostage of the regime in the hands of the West.

However, Putin claims that there are no unfriendly peoples for Russia, in the west or in the east. He expressed pride in those who fight on the front line, saying that their combat work is crucial for the future of Russian statehood and its people.

The leaders of seven countries attended the Victory Parade, including the presidents of Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan, as well as the Prime Minister of Armenia.

The parade featured units involved in the military operation in Ukraine. Putin concluded his speech with the words, "For Russia, for our valiant armed forces, for Victory. Hurrah!" after the Russian Federation anthem sounded. Today marks the 78th anniversary of the victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.--0--

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