The experience of liberation of Shusha from occupation will be taught at a private military school in Turkey

Baku/18.12.2021/Turan: The operation on libertation of  the city of Shusha, one of the important stages in the process of liberating Azerbaijani lands from occupation, will be taught at the newly opened military school of Turkey, Onur Birzak, the owner and head coach of the International Practical Martial Arts Academy, told Turan.

The main goal of the academy is to train young people in close combat techniques, which are becoming more and more in demand all over the world, and to train fighters in accordance with the requirements from different countries, primarily Turkey.

Teyar Tosun, a trainer-teacher at the Academy where registrations are continuing and exercises have begun, told Turan that they took this step after a thorough analysis of the processes taking place in the world: ”The liberation of Shusha in the process of de-occupation of Azerbaijani lands with the support of Turkey was one of the main factors that pushed us to this. Western countries have begun to carefully study the 44-day successful military operations of Azerbaijan in their military academies.  Since the geographical location of Shusha did not allow large-scale military operations there, the role of special purpose soldiers became huge. The process of liberation of Shusha from occupation has already been included in the military curricula, and we, with the help of our Azerbaijani brothers, acquired cassettes, deeply studied the melee technique used there and included it in the curriculum of our Academy. We will be proud to teach the methodology of victory in Shusha at our Academy from a theoretical and practical point of view.”

A large building and training facilities have been allocated for the International Academy of Applied Martial Arts. Teachers-trainers are the most experienced people in Turkey in this field. You can enter the Academy from most countries of the world, get the status of a teacher and tuition is paid.—0—



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