ПА НАТО признала РФ государством-террористом / фото REUTERS

ПА НАТО признала РФ государством-террористом / фото REUTERS

unian: The Parliamentary Assembly of the North Atlantic Alliance has recognized the Russian Federation as a terrorist country. The delegates called for the creation of a special International Tribunal for crimes of the Russian Federation.

"All 30 NATO countries supported the proposals of our delegation. Such a tribunal will allow to convict not only the direct perpetrators of war crimes, but also the top leadership of the Russian Federation," the MP and head of the permanent delegation of Ukraine to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly said. Egor Chernev.

In addition, the adopted document specifies the following decisions on Ukraine:

-increasing the supply of weapons;
-development of a plan for Ukraine's accession to NATO;
-creation of a mechanism for collecting reparations from Russia in favor of Ukraine.

The MP also pointed out that the resolution enshrines the principle of the Alliance's support for Ukraine as long as it is necessary.

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