Action in Center of Baku under Slogan of "Free Elections"

On the evening of 28 August at the center of Baku, on Fountain Square and Torgovaya Street a march rally was held under the slogan "Free elections".

About 30 civil society activists marched through the center of the city dressed in white T-shirts with the words "Free elections will turn us into a fair country."

The rally was organized by a coalition of 14 NGOs' support group "Free elections in 2013" and lasted about 45 minutes.

As the head of the Election Monitoring and Democracy Training Center, Anar Mammadov told Turan, the action was educational in nature and pursued the goal of attracting public attention to the importance of holding free elections in the country and the people's active participation.

The police first tried to stop the action. However, the police later decided to just follow the demonstrators.

Serious incidents did not occur and there were no detainees. --0--


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