UN official calls for peaceful settlement of Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict

UN official calls for peaceful settlement of Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict

Baku/21.12.22/Turan: The Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry commented on the discussions on December 20 in the UN Security Council on the situation on the Lachin road.

In the statement, the representative of Azerbaijan rejected the claims put forward by Armenia about the closure of the Lachin road, the “blockade” of the Armenian population and the “humanitarian catastrophe.”

It was noted that "neither the Azerbaijani government nor the protesters blocked the road." “The mode of movement of citizens, vehicles and goods on the road remains unchanged, and peacekeepers continue to fulfill their duties to regulate traffic on the road. Videos posted on social networks show how various types of vehicles, including ambulances and convoys with humanitarian aid, pass unhindered,” the Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry said in a comment.

There are no obstacles to the supply of goods or the provision of basic medical services by residents, the Foreign Ministry stressed.

At the same time, it is indicated that in recent days, motorcades of the International Committee of the Red Cross have passed along the road without hindrance.

The Azerbaijani government has repeatedly stated that it is ready to promptly resolve all humanitarian needs that the Armenian residents of the region may face. Based on this, the Azerbaijani government is in close contact with the local representation of the ICRC.

The Azerbaijani representative clearly showed what caused the demonstration of activists on the Lachin road, namely, the illegal exploitation of Azerbaijan's natural resources.

The Azerbaijani government tried to stop the illegal exploitation of deposits in the region through dialogue. On December 3 and 7, meetings were held between the relevant structures of Azerbaijan and the command of the Russian peacekeeping contingent. The parties discussed the measures taken by Azerbaijani specialists to monitor and assess the environmental consequences of the operation of the Gyzylbulag and Demirli fields. Local Armenian representatives also attended the meetings.

However, contrary to the agreement reached, the Armenians disrupted the visit of Azerbaijani specialists. This caused a legitimate protest of the Azerbaijani public, and civil society representatives began a peaceful demonstration on the Lachin road.


The development of deposits is conducted with complete disregard for environmental standards, causing severe damage to the environment. It also violates the rights of a foreign company to develop these fields in accordance with contracts concluded with the government of Azerbaijan.

As for the discussions in the UN Security Council, most of the members of the Security Council spoke in favor of continuing negotiations between Armenia and Azerbaijan to normalize relations. "We highly appreciate the calls for mutual recognition of sovereignty and territorial integrity as the basis for a peaceful future," the Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry said in a commentary.

At the same time, it is deeply disappointing that some states that are members of the UN Security Council take a biased position.

"As stated during the discussions, Azerbaijan rejects interference in its internal affairs and calls on other countries to refrain from any statements against the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Azerbaijan," the Foreign Ministry said in a comment.

Official Baku called on the international community to convince Armenia to respond to Azerbaijan's proposal, stop its political and military provocations, abandon aggressive rhetoric and actions and approach direct negotiations in good faith to find a peaceful diplomatic solution to all issues within the framework of interstate relations between Baku and Yerevan. --06B--

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