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Açiq mənbələrdən foto.

Baku / 16.10.20 / Turan: The statements of the US Secretary of State do not correspond to the previously expressed numerous statements of the American government on the Karabakh conflict, the  commentary of the press service of the Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry in connection with the views expressed by Mike Pompeo in an interview with WSB Atlanta.

“These statements do not correspond to the status of the United States as a co-chair of the OSCE Minsk Group,” the Foreign Ministry said.

On October 15, during a video conference, Pompeo called what is happening today in Azerbaijan and Armenia "dangerous". "Now we have the Turks who come into the game, supplying resources to Azerbaijan, increasing the risks, intensifying hostilities in this historical place called Nagorno-Karabakh."

“The resolution of that conflict ought to be done through negotiation and peaceful discussions, not through armed conflict, and certainly not with third party countries coming in to lend their firepower to what is already a powder keg of a situation.  We are hopeful that the Armenians will be able to defend against what the Azerbaijanis are doing, and that they will all, before that takes place, get the ceasefire right, and then sit down at the table and try and sort through this – that is – what is a truly historic and complicated problem set,” Pompeo said. -0602B-


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