Civil Society: the European integration is better the Customs Union

Baku/06.11.13/Turan : Civil society activists called on the Azerbaijani government to accelerate the European integration. The society  has chosen  a safe, free economy, economic growth  which can provide a  European integration.

This idea  was sounded at   roundtable "Azerbaijan at the Crossroads : The Eastern Partnership , or customs union?” held  on 6 November at the hotel "Park Inn".

The event was organized by the National Platform Forum "Eastern Partnership".

The meeting  held with the participation of civil society , representatives of diplomatic missions and experts noted that the projects initiated by the Russian and Eurasian Customs unions are directed against the independence of the countries of the region.

"In Azerbaijan National Platform Forum" Eastern Partnership" unites 51 NGOs. We have gathered to express our concern with the appeal on  Azerbaijan's accession to the Eurasian and the Customs Union.

EU Integration is the future of Azerbaijan and Customs Union  is the past ," said the coordinator of the national platform Gubad Ibadoglu.

According to experts, Azerbaijan's accession to the Customs Union threatens the political and economic independence of the country 's security. "All members of the Customs Union have undemocratic system. When the Azerbaijani authorities talk about national security , it means the safety of their power,"  said the  representative of the REAL  Movement, Erkin Gadirli.

"The main power is the custom through which economy  is managed,  monopoly controlled by oligarchs are created. Therefore, the government will not go into the Customs Union," said the head of the" East -West " Arastun Orujlu .

According to him, Azerbaijan will continue a balanced policy and will not approach Russia. However, official Baku does not intend to converge with Europe, " he said.

The participants believed that Baku will sign agreement on simplification of visa regime with the EU. However, Azerbaijan is not committed to the free market, and does not want to join the WTO.

"According to the index of trade freedom, Georgia ranks the 6th, Ukraine - the 48th, Russia ranks 83, Azerbaijan ranks 85th; 92% of the country's exports are oil and oil products. Only 25 % of exports go to the CIS. If Azerbaijan wants economic and technological development, it should focus on the European market," said Zohrab Ismail, the head of the Public Association for Assistance to Free Economy.

Experts also believe that Azerbaijan should get rid of the illusion of its important role in Europe's energy supply.

"At the European energy market, the demand for gas in 2030 will amount to 430 billion cubic meters. Even under serious investment Azerbaijan will supply to Europe no more than 30 billion cubic meters," said Sabit Bagirov, the head of the Foundation for Entrepreneurship.

He also focused on the success of the USA in the development of shale gas and the increase in imports of liquefied natural gas to Europe. He also stressed that due to the independence, Azerbaijan has been able to earn through the energy of more than 110 billion dollars. At the same time, about 60 billion dollars have been spent, and the country's foreign reserves are 50 billion dollars.

Representatives of the government and parliament ignored the invitation to the event. –03C06-


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