Complains of two arrested activists will be considered on October 1

Continuation of the appeal of Taleh Khasmamedova is scheduled for October 9 in the Shirvan Court at 11:30, according to lawyer Asabali Mustafayev.

* Khasmamedov was arrested in November 2011, and was sentenced on April 20 by the Goychay Court to four years of imprisonment under  the Article 221.3 (hooliganism) and 315.1 (resistance to the police.)

Khasmamedov believes that the leadership Ujar police fabricated the charges against him. The reason for this became the protection of the rights of the journalist Fuad Huseynov, who was also convicted of trumped-up charges for a publication linking police with the crime syndicate involved in drug trafficking and human trafficking.

The lawyer Mustafayev also said that the appeal of another activist Ilgar Rzayev will continue on Tuesday in Baku Court of Appeal at 11:30. He was sentenced on August 31, 2012 to two years in prison on charges of drug possession.

He is the son of Shirinbadzhi Rzayeva, who sharply criticized the government on April 22 at an opposition rally in Baku. Rzayev himself was a volunteer of the Institute for Peace and Democracy. Rzayevs family protested against the demolition of their houses in Mirzaga Aliyev street, and were eventually evicted by force.—06B-- 






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