Dunja Mijatovic denies Ali Hasanov

Safety of journalists is an indispensable condition for the freedom of the media. This is the main message  of Dunja Mijatovic, the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, at the three-day workshop for the police and the media which opened in Baku  today. 

A seminar entitled: "The safety of journalists during public demonstrations" held by the State Fund  to Support Media, the Press Council in cooperation with the OSCE.

Opening the meeting, the head of the Press Council, Aflatun Amashov, said that  he attaches great importance to the safety of journalists during the rallies. Since 2003, a number of projects have been implemented with the Ministry of Interior, seminars were held, and more than 500 journalists identification vests with the words «Press» were distributed. Amashov told about the existence of a permanent monitoring group with the participation of journalists, the General Prosecutor's Office, Ministry of Interior and Ministry of Justice, which in the course of the following for the rights of journalists and immediately react to remove obstacles to the work of journalists.

Mijatovic said that police should not interfere with the work of journalists. There must be conditions for journalists  for  open, clear, accurate, and  proper work.

She also reported that on November 12-13, the  OSCE and the Press Council organized another workshop for the press services of various government agencies  on  questions of journalists free access to the media.

Ali Hasanov, the head of the ideological department of the Presidential Administration, said Azerbaijan, like other post-Soviet countries, has problems with freedom of the media. These problems negatively affect the country's image. However, some problems are created artificially, as a result of manipulation of some groups and organizations. Other problems arise from a lack of information and professionalism. So, Hasanov said that the journalists, first of all,  should "determine right their location and functions during public events."

Violation of this principle causes problems with the police in the course of actions, Hasanov said. An example of such misconduct Hasanov called the attack on journalist Idrak Abbasov. According to him, the journalist was involved in the confrontation of security personnel of SOCAR officials with people who illegally seized territory and built houses.

"Those who used force, say they do not know that he's a journalist,"  said Hasanov, and Mijatovic replied that  at the meetings with  officials she brought up the issue on Idrak Abbasov, and is thankful that the government is open to discuss the subject.

As for the "improper" behavior of  Abbasov,  Mijatovic reminded him that the whole had seen  the photo of the  beaten  journalist, dressed in the identification vest. This means that those  who beat him, knew that he was a journalist, she said.

"As the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, I have to protect all journalists, even if I do not always agree with what they write. Journalists should not be subjected to violence, regardless of their level of professionalism. If anyone has a claim to the journalists, then there is  a court for it," said Mijatovic.

Deputy Interior Minister , Oruj Zalov, told about   the openness of his office  to cooperation with journalists. At the same time,  Zalov  complained that "some independent media, referring to the "competent sources" disseminate information discrediting the Ministry of Internal Affairs and some of its structures."

At the opening of the seminar by  the heads of media, including the opposition ones, new vests "Press" have been issued. 

The seminar continued behind closed doors. It was attended by 20 officers  of the Interior Ministry and 10 media representatives.—06D—


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