Fire in Armory Localized   (UPDATED)

The fire in the armory of a military unit of the Defense Ministry in Khyzy was localized by 17.00 p.m., and the evacuated residents returned to their villages, the Defense Ministry, the Emergencies Ministry and the Prosecutor General's Office said.

At present, the engineer and sapper units of the Defense Ministry, civil defense forces and ANAMA (Azerbaijan National Agency for Mine Action) are taking measures to search for blind shells and their further neutralization.

Five out of the six soldiers wounded during the incident were released from hospital after receiving the first medical aid. Another wounded man, though, remains in hospital, but there is no threat to his life.

It is also reported on the restoration of the traffic on the Baku-Guba highway, which was blocked for the security of citizens. Evacuated residents of the nearby villages returned to their homes, the Defense Ministry, the Emergencies Ministry and the Prosecutor General's Office reported. --0---

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2017 August 27 (Sunday) 14:56:56

Commission Set Up to Investigate Causes of Fire in Weapons Warehouse (UPDATED)

A criminal case has been opened on the fire in a military unit located in the Khyzy district. This is stated in a joint report of the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the Prosecutor General's Office.

It says that on August 27 about 9:00 a.m. a fire broke out in the Nth military unit. The cause is unknown. The fire led to explosions in the warehouse of shells and ammunition intended for disposal.

On behalf of the Azerbaijani President, a commission of representatives of the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Health, the State Border Service, the Prosecutor General's Office, local executives and other state bodies has been established to determine the causes of the incident and take the necessary measures.

As a result of the measures taken, residents and employees in the territory of the military unit were evacuated from the scene.

As of 13:00 p.m., six people working at the scene received minor injuries. Information on other seriously wounded or dead has not been received.

The population of the Sitalchay, Kilyazi, Mammadhasan and Shurabad settlements, living near the military unit, was evacuated and temporarily placed in tents.

The Prosecutor General's Office has filed a criminal case in accordance with articles 223.2 (violation of safety rules in explosive objects, with severe consequences) and 342.2 (negligent attitude towards the service, with severe consequences).

According to the Ministry of Emergency Situations, at present firefighters promptly extinguish the fires emerging as a result of the spread of shells. --0--


Six people were injured in a firearms warehouse, the head of the press service of the Ministry of Health, Leah Bayramova, told Turan News Agency. According to her, they are "not seriously injured." They were taken to the Siyazan Diagnostic Center.


In connection with the fire in a firearms warehouse of the N military unit of the Defense Ministry of Azerbaijan, residents of Kilyazi, Sitalchay and other settlements of the Khyzy district were evacuated. This was reported by the Defense Ministry of Azerbaijan.

According to local authorities, there are no victims among the civilian population.

The evacuation is caused by threats of falling fragments of exploding shells.


The State Traffic Police Department reported on the closure of the Baku-Guba highway from its 28-km mark in the direction of Guba and 78 km from Guba towards the capital in connection with the fire in an armory. This main highway connects Baku with the north of Azerbaijan.
The press service of the traffic police explained the closure of the road with "threats that arose as a result of a fire in the Khizi district."
Drivers are urged to temporarily refrain from traveling in these directions. According to information from local sources, residents of the nearby villages have been evacuated because of the threat of scatter of shell fragments.
Meanwhile, ambulance teams cannot approach the armory because of the ongoing fire.
As reported by the Emergency Medical Service of the Ministry of Health, more than 10 brigades from Baku, Sumgait, Khizi and Shabran have been sent to the accident scene due to the possibility of victims in the fire. -0-

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2017 August 27 (Sunday) 11:15:30

Fire occurred in the territory of the military unit

A fire occurred today at the weapons storage of the military unit of the Ministry of Defense. As a result of the fire an explosion was observed on the territory of the military unit. A group consisting of representatives of the relevant structures is at the scene of the incident to find out the causes of the fire and take the necessary security measures.
According to information to the present time, there are no dead or injured servicemen.

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