Foreign Ministry: Publication in "Yeni Musavat" is an absurdity

An article by anonymous author published today  in the  "Yeni Musavat" newspaper  on corruption and shortage of professional staff in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan  is slander and absurd, said  at a press briefing, Foreign Ministry spokesman, Elman Abdullayev. "This material is slander against senior officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry's personnel policy",  he said.

Referring to an anonymous source of this article,  Abdullayev called him a "loser, that could not establish himself in the diplomatic service, and seeking to discredit the Ministry of Foreign Affairs," said Abdullayev.

The anonymous author of the article is a former employee of the Foreign Ministry; he told the newspaper about a flawed system of corruption in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, on the appointments and promotion for large bribes, on abuse of officials, on the flawed system of recruitment, etc. -16/03D-


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