Human Rights Organizations Call on European Court to Review Khadija Ismailova Case in Context of Human Rights in Azerbaijan

A number of international human rights organizations appealed to the European Court of Human Rights with a request in the case of the journalist Khadija Ismailova sentenced to 7.5 years in prison in Azerbaijan.

The appeal is related to the "violation of Ismailova’s human rights guaranteed by Article 10 (freedom of expression) of the European Convention for Human Rights and Freedoms," says the joint petition addressed to the organizations Article 19, PEN, International Partnership for Human Rights, Committee to Protect Journalists and IMS.

The petition notes that the arrest and conviction of Ismailova resulted from systematic repression in Azerbaijan against journalists and civil society activists.

It is further noted that in Azerbaijan for political reasons there are still nine imprisoned journalists - Nijat Aliyev (Editor of the website, Araz Guliyev (, Parviz Hashimli (editor of the newspaper Bizim Yol), Seymour Hazi (employee of the newspaper Azadlig), Arshad Ibrahimov (Ganja correspondent of the newspaper Azadlig), Hilal Mammadov (editor of the newspaper Tolishi Sado), Rauf Mirkadyrov (columnist for the newspaper Ayna / Zerkalo), and Tofig Yagublu (columnist for the newspaper Yeni Musavat). In addition, 4 bloggers and 5 human rights activists are still in prison.

Authors of the appeal asked the ECHR to review the Ismailova case in the context of the general human rights situation in Azerbaijan.

Recall that the complaint by Ismailova against the Azerbaijani government will be considered by the ECHR in the near future. -06D-

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