Intigam Aliyev sentenced to 7.5 years in prisons (UPDATED)

In the evening on April 22 Baku Serious Crimes Court  convicted a   human rights defender Intigam Aliyev on charges of illegal business, misappropriation, tax evasion, abuse of office and official forgery, and sentenced him to 7.5 years in prison with a sentence in a penal colony.

In addition, Aliyev is deprived of the right to occupy leadership positions in state and municipal government for three years after release. Protection considers the verdict illegal and politically motivated, and is going to appeal it.—03B06--

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2015 April 22 (Wednesday) 17:17:32

Today a human rights defender Intigam Aliyev  made a closing statement ay the trial. Aliyev expressed full falsification of the criminal case and the political motives of his persecution.

According to the defendant, a 4-month trial proved once again that the prosecution was related to his public and advocacy activity. Aliyev said that he was a lawyer for political affairs, and for 25 years has conducted hundreds of  trials. In particular, he  sent to the European Court of Human Rights more than 200 applications, and  won 40 of them.

Fourteen cases related to the violation of the rights of candidates for the 2005 parliamentary elections,  and have also been cases involving the violation of freedom of expression, association, the right to a fair trial, the prohibition of torture and others.

 Most of the complaints  sent to then ECHR  was on the fraud in the parliamentary elections, and 30 of them started communication. That is why the government sought to  stop this process.

Authorities managed to withdraw the number of cases after promises to solve the issue of violation of electoral rights of citizens. But then the government refused to fulfill these promises. "We informed the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe that the government does not fulfill the obligations," Aliyev said. "As a result of joint work together, CoE Committee of Ministers refused in June 2014 to approve the plan of action proposed by the government. It played a big role in my arrest. Before I have repeatedly made it clear that it will have consequences for me," Aliyev continued.

During a search in the office of Intigam Aliyev, prosecutors seized materials over 200 complaints to the ECHR. After the intervention of the head of the ECHR, some cases were returned. However, materials related to the complaints of the parliamentary elections of 2010 and the refusal to register the leading NGOs have not yet been returned.

Next Aliyev focused on the hearings organized in June 2014 on the eve of the speech by President Ilham Aliyev in PACE.

At these hearings Intigam Aliyev told about the serious problems of human rights violations, government pressure on civil society. Immediately after the session started repression on civil society in Azerbaijan,

 Was arrested Rasul Jafarov, an activist of the NGO Gulnara Akhundova  managed to leave the country, and avoid the persecution. Emin Huseynov  is taking a refuge in the Swiss embassy in Baku.

"Today, not everyone recognizes successful development of Azerbaijan. There are national traitors who have sold their conscience anti-Azerbaijani forces. We know this. As a president in my daily activity I   fight against these traitors,"  that's official policy, which expressed Ilham Aliyev, speaking to young people in Beylagan, said the defendant.

The head of  president’s administration Ramiz Mehdiyev in an interview with the  "Bulletin of the Caucasus", identified a number of NGOs that with the  help of foreign grants organize anti-Azerbaijani campaign. Among them were NGO Leyla Yunus, Emin Huseynov, Anar Mammadov and Intigam Aliyev.

"If the West,  Europe are the enemies of Azerbaijan, then why the country remains a member of the Council of Europe, OSCE and other international organizations and party conventions? Why huge sums from the state budget are spent on  repairing museums, historical monuments in Europe, the establishment of non-historical monuments, holding various song contests, and sporting events? Why do we sell crude oil and gas to Europe? Why is it an essential part of the country's foreign exchange reserves are contained in European banks," said Intigam Aliyev.

 "As it turns out, when Europe, the West supports rigged elections, they are our friends, and when they  very gently react to human rights violations and political arrests, they become - the enemy?" continued Intigam Aliyev. "Now we can say  confidently that there is no longer any independent civil society, it  has been destroyed. There are some dissidents who continue to struggle, despite the threat  to be arrested at any time," said Aliyev.

 "Arrests may take away our freedom, but not the desire to be free. Our arrest is a continuation of our struggle," said Intigam Aliyev. Other political prisoners - Tofig Yagublu, Ilgar Mamedov, Yadigar Sadigov, Khadija Ismayilova  continue to write  in prison about what they talked about in freedom.

Theologians Movsum Samedov, Abgyul Suleymanov and Thale Bagirzade, Nemat Panahli brought to the public  their voice even from prison. Turning to the judges and prosecutors, Intigam Aliyev said: "Under such situations I would wish  that the same happened to you, but  what I'll tell you: I wish you life in a fair society, where people are not persecuted for their views and beliefs."

In conclusion, Aliyev expressed his gratitude for the support  to his colleagues, independent media, international organizations, diplomatic corps, and the dedication of his lawyers.

The Court then went to a meeting to announce the verdict. -06D-

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