Isa Gambar: visits to regions will continue

The leader of the party "Musavat" Isa Gambar called provocation of the authorities blocking of the Baku-Astara highway by police forces on January 27, which did not let the party activists, members of the public and the media enter Lankaran.

"These illegal actions of the authorities demonstrate their fear of the growing dialogue between the opposition and the people,” Gambar said, noting that he would continue to visit regions to meet with people, to put an end to violations of constitutional rights to freedom of assembly.

Gambar, accompanied by about a hundred people went on a Sunday morning to Lankaran, to mark the 20th anniversary of the local branch of Musavat. This was the second attempt to hold such a meeting, after on January 13 at the entrance to Lankaran his car and the accompanying party was attacked by a trained crowd. His car was damaged, but he was not injured. The delegation returned to Baku, but law enforcement agencies did not investigate the incident.

At this time, authorities do not hide the fact that they themselves organize provocations against Gambar. Thus, 40 km from Lankaran, in the post "Goytapa" the road was blocked by a barrier. An unnamed police chief explained the closure of the road with violation of the rules of traffic. Police did not like that the delegation of more than 20 vehicles followed each other in a motorcade. But the chief could not explain what statute prohibits such movement and why no one stops wedding, funeral and other ceremonies like this.

As a result, the traffic jam was a kilometer long. In order to prevent traffic jams, Gambar decided to return to Baku.

On the way back the cortege was accompanied by police cars. In the regional centers Bilasuvar and Salyan secondary roads were also closed to prevent the turning of the delegation. When leaving Salyan, plainclothes police staged a provocation and tried to start a conflict in one of the cafes, where the delegation made a stop. Gambar and the people accompanying him were not given tea. Employees of the café that rushed to serve the guests suddenly announced that the gas supply to the kitchen was halted.

Deputy Chairman of the Musavat Party Arif Hajili told reporters that all this exhibited the fear of the authorities. He noted that, as before, on the way to Lankaran there was assembled a crowd, which was to attack the delegation. "However, the plan was changed and we were detained in Goytapa. The authorities were afraid of an open conflict that could involve the local population dissatisfied with the authorities," he said.

The delegation returned to Baku at 19:00 and at a briefing at the headquarters of Musavat, Gambar announced participation in the October presidential election, and thanked the public and the media for their support. -0 –


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