Law enforcement agencies do not provide information about the reasons for the detention of Ali Kerimli(UPDATED)

Baku /18.11.18 / Turan: The situation around the detention of the leader of the Popular Front Party Ali Kerimli remained unclear in the noon. Law enforcement agencies do not provide information about the place of detention of Kerimli and the actions imputed to him. According to unofficial information, he and seven other persons detained on the eve of the march are charged with the actions provided for in Article 513 (violation of the rules of pickets, demonstrations, processions) of the Code of Administrative Offenses. It provides for a fine of 300 to 600 manats (240-480 dollars), or community work from 160 to 240 hours or an administrative arrest of up to 2 months. Young activists Ruslan Amirov, Ramiz Jafarov, Ramid Nagiyev, Tahir Hasanli, Javid Ibrahimov and young journalists Nurlan Gahramanli from the online resource Kanal - 13 and Fatima Movlamly working with Azadsoz also remain in custody. -06-

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2018 November 18 (Sunday) 01:39:14

Fate of Ali Kerimli and Seven More Activists Remains Unknown (UPDATED)

Despite the release of the majority of opposition activists detained at the Alley of Martyrs, the fate of the leader of the Popular Front Party (PFPA) Ali Kerimli and seven more activists remain unknown. This was reported by the PFPA at 01.30 November 18.

"In the Sabail district police department, they said the detainees had been taken to the Sabail district court. However, no one is in court right now. And the police officers concentrated around the Sabail district police department have already dispersed long ago," the party's representative said. -06D-

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2018 November 17 (Saturday) 23:24:57

NCDF Condemns Detentions of Ali Kerimli, Jamil Hasanli and Other Opposition Activists (UPDATED)

Baku / 17.11.18 / Turan: The National Council of Democratic Forces (NCDF) issued a statement in which it condemned "gross police intervention" in the march to the Alley of Martyrs in Baku on the occasion of the National Revival Day.

A large number of participants were detained, including the head of the NCDF, Jamil Hasanli, and the leader of the Popular Front Party of Azerbaijan (PFPA), Ali Kerimli, the statement said.

According to unspecified data, the number of detainees reaches 40 people.

By late evening, no information was available about Kerimli and Hasanli and other activists. They are prevented from contacting their families and lawyers.

"We are concerned for the health of the detainees, among whom there are elderly and women," the statement said.

The NCDF believes the use of police against marchers on the occasion of the National Revival Day to the Alley of Martyrs, where those who sacrificed their lives for the freedom of the homeland rest, clearly shows the anti-national nature of the regime.

The detentions of the leaders of the NCDF and the Popular Front Party are an indication that Azerbaijan is slipping from authoritarianism to the dictatorship regime.

The authors of the statement indicate that no arrests and repressions will force PFPA and NCDF to abandon the struggle for democracy and freedom in Azerbaijan.

"We urge all conscientious people of the country, political forces, civil society activists and free media to be together with this struggle, which has no alternative. If the Azerbaijani authorities do not want to repeat the sad fate of other dictators, they should immediately release Jamil Hasanli, Ali Kerimli and all our other like-minded people," the NCDF said. -06B--

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2018 November 17 (Saturday) 21:22:02

Police released 20 of 54 detained PFPA activists (UPDATED)

By 9 pm on Saturday, the Sabail district police released 20 activists of the Popular Front Party, who were detained at about 3 pm on the same day. According to the released, only 54 people were detained. With regard to those released, fines were imposed; what punishment awaits those remaining in the police is not clear. None of the released persons saw the detainees Ali Kerimli and Jamil Hasanly. The released also reported that several people were beaten by the police and "Ambulance" was called for them.

Several dozen PFPA activists still stay on duty outside the police headquarters in the Sabail district. -02D-

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2018 November 17 (Saturday) 17:51:13

Police detained the head of the National Council and the leader of PFA

At about 5 pm, activists of the Popular Front Party and members of the National Council assembled in front of the Sabail police building, were put on the bus by the police and taken away in an unknown direction. The activists gathered in front of the building of the Sabail District Police Department and waited for the release of their leaders, Ali Kerimli and Jamil Hasanli. Turan correspondent reported that soon an ambulance arrived at the police building. According to some reports, Jamil Hasanly"s health deteriorated. The police pushed aside journalists from the building and does not allow them to cover the events.


Baku / 17.11.18 / Turan: On Saturday at around 3 p.m., several activists of the Popular Front Party and members of the National Council of Democratic Forces were detained by police in the Martyr Alley area. The detainees led by the leader of the Popular Front Party Ali Kerimli and the head of the National Council, Jamil Hasanli, were taken to the police station of the Sabail district.

The reason for the detention was an attempt by the opposition to march through the streets of the city and repeat the route of students of Baku State University, which they passed on November 17, 1988.

Then hundreds of students and employees of enterprises went to the streets demanding to protect the rights of Azerbaijan in the Nagorno-Karabakh issue.

Then the march of students resulted in an indefinite rally, which lasted for three weeks on the main square of Baku and was dispersed by the Soviet army. -02D-

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