Measure of Restraint against Mehman Aliyev May Be Changed

Baku/11.09.17/Turan: The measure of restraint may be changed with regard to Mehman Aliyev, reports with reference to competent sources.

According to the publication, the Turan news agency's director Mehman Aliyev addressed a statement to President Ilham Aliyev in connection with his arrest.

Immediately after returning from Kazakhstan, the President of Azerbaijan was informed about the incident. The President immediately gave a serious reaction, and recommended prosecutor's and judicial bodies to consider the possibility of changing the measure of restraint, and the release of Mehman Aliyev accused of tax evasion from the pretrial detention center.

On February 10, President Ilham Aliyev signed an order "On improving the activities in the penitentiary sphere, humanizing punitive policies and expanding the use of alternative punishment and procedural coercion, not related to isolation from society."

It is a question of global and conceptual political and legal reform. After all, immediately after the order, a special government commission was formed from representatives of the Supreme Court, the Prosecutor General's Office, the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Comprehensively studying the philosophy and history of the issue, historical and international experience, as well as the correlation of the proposed legal reforms with an adequate assessment of the criminal situation in the light of an adequate perception of the minimization of punishments, a separate draft law with fundamental changes to the Criminal Code was developed within six months.

The bill was presented to the President, and Ilham Aliyev, taking advantage of his right to legislative initiative, sent the draft to parliament, recalls.

Today, at 14:30 and 15:00, the Baku Court of Appeals will hold hearings on Mehman Aliyev's complaints about his detention and refusal to release him on bail. -06d--

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