Musavat reports new violations during elections

Musavat reports new violations during elections

The Musavat Party has published a third press release about violations during voting in the early parliamentary elections.
In particular, "carousels" were recorded at polling stations 2, 4, 9 of the Ujar electoral district No. 94. Clergymen were also involved in the process.
Zakir Ismail, a candidate for deputy from the Musavat Party, who objected to the "Carousel" operation, was threatened by the police.
Reports physical pressure on blogger Bahruz Aliyev in front of the 12th and 13th polling stations of the Jalilabad city electoral district No. 71, located in the same building.

At polling station No. 14 of the Jalilabad city district No. 71, facts of observers voting were recorded.
Ballots with pre-cut corners were found on the desk of the precinct chairman at polling station No. 7 of Jaliabad rural electoral district No. 72.
According to information provided by observers from the Musavat party, the overall voter turnout in the country was very low.

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