Obama urges Putin to stop the rebel in eastern Ukraine

Barack Obama urged Vladimir Putin to stop interfering in Ukrainian affairs . "President Obama  stressed that all illegal armed groups in the country should lay down their arms , and urged President Putin to use his influence to pro-Russian militias  to left occupied buildings,"  reads the statement  of the White House.

Another phone conversation  between the heads of states took place at the initiative of the American side. The  U.S. President demanded to withdraw Russian troops from the Ukrainian border. He stressed that  Kiev authorities show restraint in terms of Russian power capacity at the borders , armed provocations on the Ukrainian territory and the bellicose rhetoric of the Kremlin. Kiev is making efforts to stabilize the situation through elections , constitutional reform and decentralization , Obama said.

American leader again Putin warned that Moscow's actions that undermine stability in Ukraine, will not go unpunished. "The president noted the growing political and economic isolation of Russia as a result of its actions in Ukraine, and warned that if Russia continues these actions it  will have to pay an even greater price," reads the statement.

Putin rejected Obama’s  claims. "In response to the concern of the U.S. president about  alleged Russian interference in southeastern Ukraine , Russian President said that such speculation are  based on false information ," reads the information of the  press service of the Kremlin. Putin  called on the American counterpart "to use maximum available opportunities to avoid the use of force and bloodshed."

In turn , Washington denied that the actions of the Ukrainian authorities have been agreed with the CIA chief, John Brennan . White House spokesman, Jay Carney, confirmed that Brennan was in Kiev over the weekend , but rejected "speculation " about the purpose of this visit.

"Visits of senior intelligence  are  a standard means of strengthening cooperation in the field of security , this also applies to US- Russian cooperation of this kind, which began immediately after the Cold War, Carney said.  Alluding to the fact that U.S. officials meet with colleagues in Kiev for something else - is absurd."

On Monday, the overthrown President of Ukraine ,Viktor Yanukovych, said that Ukrainian security officials decided to raid in Donbass after consultation with Brennan. -02D-

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