Parliament adopts amendments toughening punishment for unauthorized actions

At today's plenary session of the Milli Majlis deputies discussed and adopted amendments to the law "On freedom of assembly", as well as to the Code of Administrative Offences and the Criminal Code.

Innovations toughen penalties for violations of the rules of the rally. During the discussions, a number of deputies criticized the amendment.

The head of the party "Great Creation" Fazil Mustafa said that there is no need  in the amendments, and their adoption would give grounds for criticism of Azerbaijan by international organizations.

Iqbal Aghazadeh said that such criticism is valid because  in the country-member of the Council of Europe  there should not be severe measures for the conduct of meetings.

"You copy Russia, but it has never been and will not be a democratic country,  use an example a true democratic countries," said Aghazadeh addressing the parliamentary majority.

Aghazadeh  called the changes reactionary, and  noted that such measures are always taken on the eve of the election. Assigning such high fines, it is necessary to considered incomes of people, added Aghazadeh.

Siyavush Novruzov, deputy from the ruling party "Yeni Azerbaijan", reminded the audience that the talk is about  penalty for the organization and participation in unauthorized  rallies. He fully justified the need for such sanctions.

The deputy and the head of the Civil Solidarity Party, Sabir Rustamkhanli,  believes that " it is not right to set so high penalties without the approval of the people." "Where should people o express their opinion, if we do not let them go out to the streets and talk?" said Rustamkhanli. According to him, the right to freedom of assembly  has not been guaranteed in the country. Moreover,  the opinions of deputies are not taken into account in the Parliament.

"Then why do we need these speeches and parliamentary activity at all,"  he said.

 However, speaker Asadov very angrily reacted to the speech  of Rustamkhanli, and advised to contact the General Department and find out "What parliament does."

Deputy from the ruling party "Yeni Azerbaijan", Mubariz Gurbanli, fully supported the speaker. According to him, they should not be afraid of international organizations, "they can say what they want, and we'll do our work."

As a result, the document was adopted by 105 votes "for", five votes  "against", and one abstention.

According to the amendments to the  Article 298 of the Code of Administrative Offences, physical individuals will be punished for organizing unauthorized actions with a fine from 1,500 to 3,000 manat, communal services for 200-240 hours, or were taken under administrative arrest for up to 15 days.

Officials will be penalized from 3,000 to 6,000 manat, legal persons -15,000 -30,000 manat.

Participation in unauthorized actions will be punishable by a fine  from 500 to 1,000 manat, or community service for 160-200 hours, or by imprisonment for up to 15 days.

According to the amendments to the Criminal Code, violation of the rules of actions may be punishable by a fine from 5,000 to 8,000 manat, or correctional labor for  two years, or imprisonment up to two years. (To date, the penalties for violation of the rules of rallies is 100-500 manat.)

Fines from 5000 to 8000 manats  have been set for organizing actions that cause public disorder or participation in these activities. (Previously, fine  for the same offenses  was 500 manat.) The maximum penalty for the same actions have been tightened up to three years in prison.

If the participants of illegal actions used firearms or knives, explosives and other means of threatening the life and health of people, then a penalty from 5000 to 8000 manat or imprisonment of up to three years. –06D

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