Pashinyan's meeting with students of Sisian Secondary School, Syunik, June 17, 2024.

Pashinyan's meeting with students of Sisian Secondary School, Syunik, June 17, 2024.

In a recent visit to the Syunik region, which borders the Zangelan region of Azerbaijan, Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan indicated the possibility of addressing the contentious issue of the Karki village as part of the next stage of border delimitation and demarcation. This announcement, reported by the pro-government website, signals a significant development in the ongoing border negotiations between Armenia and Azerbaijan.

While in the village of Kornidzor, Pashinyan was asked by radio  "Azatutyun" if the next stage of border demarcation might begin in Syunik. He responded, "Yes, it is possible, but it can be in any other field," leaving open the possibility of other regions being involved as well.

Pashinyan emphasized that he has held numerous meetings with the residents of Syunik, noting that they largely support his agenda for peace. He tasked his government with explaining to the Armenian people that the demarcation process does not equate to surrendering Armenian lands. "We must focus on the internationally recognized territory of Armenia and solve our problems in this territory," he said, showing the villagers a map of modern Armenia.

The Armenian Prime Minister’s comments come in the context of a broader push for peace and stability in the region. According to Pashinyan, those advocating for a return to the past ideology of restoring former Armenian borders are pushing the country into conflicts for their own benefit. "We do not claim anything and will not allow anyone to claim anything. That's the logic. We have overcome difficulties, there are forces in the world that do not want this state to exist," he stated.

The village of Karki, captured by the Armenian army in May 1992, lies near the Syunik district of Armenia. Official Baku has consistently demanded the return of Karki to Azerbaijan. Covering an area of 19 km², the village is home to 149 Armenians. The village's status has been a point of contention in the complex and often tense negotiations between Armenia and Azerbaijan.

Pashinyan’s remarks suggest a willingness to engage in discussions that could lead to the resolution of such disputed areas. This potential shift aligns with his broader strategy to maintain focus on internationally recognized borders and to avoid entangling Armenia in further territorial conflicts.

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