Police Surrounded Headquarters of Musavat. Arrests Started

The police and people in plainclothes took surveillance of the headquarters of Musavat, where the meeting of the Supreme Majlis of the opposition party is taking place.

As the deputy chairman of Musavat Gulaga Aslanli told Turan, the arrival of police squads is linked to today's young people's action in the city center to demand the dissolution of the parliament.

In his view, the headquarters is surrounded probably to prevent the participation of Musavat in the protest of youth.

In addition, people in civilian clothes came to the apartment of the deputy chairman of the youth organization of Musavat Ahad Mammadli in order to arrest him this morning, but the activist was not home.

Aslanli also announced the arrest this morning in Sumgait of a group of youth activists, who were going to Baku to join the rally in Fountain Square. -05B06-




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