REAL is not provided a place for the congress

Baku/26.10.17/Turan: Baku Office of Culture and Tourism refused to give place to the initiative group for the creation of the Republican Alternative Party (REAL) a place for the founding congress. The message "REAL", the refusal is motivated by "technical reasons".

In particular, REAL's request to hold a congress at the Tebriz or Baku cinema on October 29 cannot be satisfied, since the said objects are not on the balance sheet of the administration.

As for the Palace of Culture named after Sattar Bahlulzade, a film will be screened there October 29. The REAL Movement will hold a press conference on October 27 on this issue.

* REAL was established in 2009 and opposed the stay of one person as president of the country for more than two terms. The leader of the Movement Ilgar Mammadov was arrested on far-fetched charges of organizing riots in the Ismayilli region in January 2013 and sentenced to 7 years in prison.

However, the European Court of Human Rights has found his arrest unlawful and politically motivated and decided to immediately release him. This decision of the Strasbourg Court, taken in May 2014, has not yet been executed. -05D06-

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