Saakashvili: Russians have abandoned the Capture of Georgia because of the U.S.

Georgian President, Mikhail Saakashvili, told the media because of the US role in the Russia-Georgia war of 2008, in his words, "the Russians retreated and abandoned the idea of capturing Georgia" after Washington sent a missile cruiser to the Black Sea coast of Georgia.

In addition, according to the head of the Caucasian state, a U.S. base in Romania 16 F-16 fighters arrived and NATOs base in Turkey was put on alert. "Russia was told clearly that the red line was fixed," Saakashvili said.

The Georgian leader also said that "when the Russian army was already on Tbilisi," he called George W. Bush, who was then president of the United States. "Well, how are you, Michael, is it not so good, huh?" said the head of the White House.

"I may not exist tomorrow, but you should not feel good, I think. The Soviet Union collapsed in the period of your father, and if, during your presidency the Russian army enters Tbilisi, the Soviet Union will be restored. Have you thought about how you may write history?" Saakashvili told Bush.

It was after this dialogue, the United States sent military aid to Tbilisi. Furthermore,

Saakashvili said that former U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice urged him not to get involved in a war with Russia. "We do not get involved, Condi, my dear, but what will you do if they still enter," Saakashvili said to the head of the State Department. -0 -


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