State Department of Baku policy to combat terrorism

The US State Department issued a report on "Combating Terrorism: 2015", in which it again announced Iran  the state sponsoring terrorism.  The part of the report on Azerbaijan  says that the country has been working closely with the US in the fight against terrorism. Thus, Azerbaijan actively opposed terrorist organizations trying to use the Caucasus for the transit of people, money and materials. Azerbaijan is pursuing suspected of terrorists and seized a large quantity of arms and ammunition. Persons fighting on the side of the terrorists were arrested after their return. The country demonstrates commitment to the fight against LIH, share information, and suppresses the flow of foreign fighters in Iraq and Syria, and their financing. The Caucasus Muslims Office and State Committee to Work with Religious Organizations took public actions against the ideology of LIH and "Al Qaeda". In order to prevent incitement to violence,  sermons in some mosques were brought under control.

In mid December  the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the country said that Azerbaijan is considering joining the Islamic anti-terrorist coalition, led by Saudi Arabia. In mid-December 2015 the MNS of the country was divided into  two structures, however  it is not clear what will be the anti-terrorist activities of these structures. MIA also has a commitment to the fight against terrorism and these functions are performed by the General Directorate for Combating Organized Crime. Prosecutor General's Office is responsible for the prosecution of terrorism. It is further noted that the law was passed on the fight against religious extremism at the end of the year.

"During the year, we spread messages about the prevention of terrorist attacks. However, it is not clear whether they were real terrorist threats, or  it was a suppression of non-violent, independent religious activity. For example, in November it was reported that the former political prisoner and religious activist Tale Bagirzade developed a plan to overthrow the government. The government claims that he was hiding weapons and ammunition in the village of Nardaran.

Law enforcement agencies across the country conducted the operation, arresting dozens of people, finding weapons and ammunition.  During  the operation  in the village of Nardaran were killed five suspected  of religious extremists and two policemen. Some civil and human rights activists say about the artificiality of these charges," said in the report.

The report also points to Azerbaijan's cooperation in the fight against terrorism with the OSCE, OIC, NATO and other regional and international structures. The US has positively assessed cooperation with Azerbaijan in the fight against terrorism, drug trafficking. However, the government of Azerbaijan, focusing on these areas, is  trying to hide human rights violations. In the past two years has increased pressure on civil society in the country, for political reasons, were arrested and 100 political and civil society activists, journalists and bloggers. Since the beginning of this year the government has relaxed position, releasing a number of prominent political prisoners. -16D-

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