Statement from the Ministry of Foreign affairs of Azerbaijan


According to the reports circulated by the mass media outlets of the Republic of Armenia so-called “presidential elections” are being arranged to take place in the occupied Nagorno-Karabakh region of the Republic of Azerbaijan on July 19, 2012.

   The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan reiterates the Republic of Armenia, having occupied Azerbaijani territories and conducted ethnic cleansing against the local Azerbaijani population, has established illegal authorities in the occupied territories. The so-called “elections” are organized in order to camouflage the policy of Armenia aimed at annexation of the occupied territories and to promote results of the continued occupation of Azerbaijani territories.  

    Such action, in absence of the original Azerbaijani population of the Nagorno-Karabakh region and without necessary authorization of respective structures of the Republic of Azerbaijan, gravely violates the relevant provisions of the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the norms and principles of international law, and therefore shall have no legal effect whatsoever. 

     Holding legitimate elections will be possible after the withdrawal of the Armenian occupying forces, normalization of life in the region, return of expelled Azerbaijani population and creation of necessary conditions for restoration of the dialogue and cooperation between the Armenian and Azerbaijani communities of the Nagorno-Karabakh region of the Republic of Azerbaijan. 

     The Republic of Azerbaijan calls upon the Armenian side instead of its destructive illegal steps, to withdraw its Armed Forces from the Azerbaijani territories, thus opening prospects for sustainable peace, security and development of the entire region. -0-


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