Baku / 10.12.19 / Turan: A group of public activists and representatives of the Talysh intelligentsia, one of the indigenous peoples of Azerbaijan, established the Talysh Public Council of Azerbaijan. (TPCA).
The statement of the founders noted that the OSTA task arose from historical necessity.
Upon joining the Council of Europe, the Azerbaijani government made a commitment to accede to the European Convention on Minority Languages, but it has not been implemented. The Council of Europe Framework Convention on the Protection of the Rights of National Minorities with respect to Talysh is not respected.
Appeals to the government about teaching the Talysh language, training specialists in this language, preparing radio and television programs in the Talysh language, publishing a newspaper at the expense of the state budget remained unanswered.
“The initiatives of the Talysh intelligentsia to develop their native language, culture, and the creation of socio-political associations are jealously perceived, and the authors of the initiatives are subjected to pressure,” the statement said.
Ethnic diversity does not imply assimilation, but, on the contrary, reflects the multicultural wealth of the country, the integration of peoples. “Therefore, our expectations from the government is a civil attitude towards the Talysh people. Guided by Article 44,45 and 58 of the Constitution of Azerbaijan, our organization announces the beginning of its activities, ”it was informed.
Recent reforms in the socio-political sphere of the country create confidence that positive steps will be taken in the sphere of national relations.
“We hope that this step will be supported by progressive, democratic forces and citizens of the country. Our activity will contribute to the formation of a positive tolerant image of Azerbaijan in the world and strengthen the traditions of Azerbaijani statehood, accelerate the construction of the rule of law.
We, citizens of Azerbaijan of Talysh origine will not spare efforts for the development and prosperity of our country,” it was concluded.
The appeal was signed by the founders of the OSTA: Agaev Ali (member of the Musavat party), Agazade Nariman (archaeologist-ethnographer), Abilov Atahan (member of the Committee of Lawyers for the Protection of Human Rights of the Netherlands), Hajiyev Mikail (veteran of the Karabakh war), Likmekani Mirfayaz (poet), Hilal Mammadov (human rights activist, editor of the newspaper Tolyshi Sado), Nazarov Yashar (member of the Popular Front Party), Rahimov Iltifat (member of the Aydylar Party), Safarov Mehtibek (head of the Azeri-Talysh Public Association), etc. –06B-
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