The Prosecutor General took the case of Zamin Salaev under personal control

Baku/29.04.23/Turan: The Prosecutor General of Azerbaijan Kamran Aliyev took personal control of the criminal case against the activist of the Popular Front Party of Azerbaijan Zamin Salayev. This was reported to Turan by his lawyer Neymat Karimli.

According to him, on April 29, Salayev was visited in the Baku pre-trial detention center by employees of the Office of the Prosecutor General's Office for Supervision of Police Investigation.
“Salaev himself informed me about this meeting by phone. Employees of the Prosecutor General's Office informed Salaev that his case was taken under the personal control of Prosecutor General Kamran Aliyev,” the lawyer said.

Salaev was assured that there would be a "fair investigation," the lawyer continued. Salaev wrote a statement of his innocence and presented it to the prosecutor's office.

The visit of representatives of the Prosecutor General's Office was explained by the lawyer as a long-term hunger strike conducted by Salaev.
“Alizamin Salaev has been on hunger strike for 82 days and is in serious condition,” the lawyer said.

He expressed hope that on May 2, at the preparatory court hearing in the case of Salaev, the public prosecutor representing the prosecutor's office would not object to the motion to transfer the activist to house arrest.

Despite the visit of representatives of the Prosecutor General's Office and their assurances, Salaev continues his hunger strike.

* On February 8, the Garadagh District Court of Baku arrested Salayev for three months. A criminal case was initiated against him under Article 221.3 of the Criminal Code. The activist faces up to 5 years in prison.
Zamin Salaev stated in court that the accusation against him was false and that he was being punished for criticizing the authorities on social media. Human rights activists recognized Salaev as a political prisoner. -06V-

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