Turgut Gambar is interrogated for four hours

Board member of the NIDA Movement, Turgut Gambar, was sumoned today to the Investigation Department of Serious Crimes of the General Prosecutor's Office of Azerbaijan. He was questioned as a witness from 9:30 to 16:00. 

Gambar and his lawyer, Osman Kyazimov, do not comment on the summons, saying  that they signed a non-disclosure secrecy of the investigation. Gambar does not if he will be summoned again. 

There is no doubt that Gambar was questioned regarding the arrest of seven activists of NIDA, accused of illegal possession of explosives. Some of them were also charged with illegal possession of narcotics.

The arrests of the members of this organization are connected with the protest on March 10 against the soldiers' deaths.

According to local and international human rights organizations, young people are persecuted on trumped-up charges. Amnesty International recognized the arrested “prisoners of conscience.” -16D06-


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