U.S. Dismisses Azerbaijan's Criticism Over Ambassador Reeker's Appointment

The State Department on Thursday dismissed the Azerbaijani government's criticism over Secretary Antony Blinken's statement about the appointment of Philip Reeker to the posts of Senior Advisor for Caucasus Negotiations as well as the U.S. Co-Chair of Minsk Group, TURAN's Washington correspondent reports.

"... The Secretary appointed him (Ambassador Reeker) to serve as the senior advisor for Caucasus negotiations to underscore our commitment to facilitating peace in the South Caucasus," State Department's Principal Deputy Spokesperson Vedant Patel told TURAN's Washington correspondent during the Department's daily press briefing.

"As a country, we are committed to facilitating direct dialogue between Azerbaijan and Armenia bilaterally, multilaterally, and in cooperation with likeminded partners to achieve a comprehensive peace settlement between the two countries," Patel added.

In a press release early in the day, Azerbaijan's Foreign Affairs Ministry had described the move as “an approach far from the post-conflict reality in the region."

Patel in his turn mentioned that Reeker's selection also underscores U.S. commitment to the Geneva International Discussions [on Georgia], "where we’re going to continue to hold Russia accountable to the commitments it made under the 2008 ceasefire."

As part of his diplomatic advisor role, Ambassador Reeker "will also represent the U.S. both at the OSCE Minsk Group and at the Geneva International Discussions" Patel emphasized.

For long-time South Caucasus watchers, such as Richard Kauzlarich, who served as Bill Clinton's ambassador to Azerbaijan (1994–1997), Reeker's appointment is "a signal of U.S. engagement in the region."

"For Azerbaijan and Armenia it shows that continued forum shopping to avoid direct negotiations will not be acceptable," he told TURAN's Washington correspondent.

"Important to have a senior diplomat like Phil Reeker covering the South Caucasus," he added.

According to Kauzlarich, it is time for serious, direct negotiations between Baku and Yerevan.

"Phil Reeker is just the person to pressure both parties," he concluded.

Alex Raufoglu

Washington D.C.

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