Why do Islamists support Ilyas Ismailov ?

Baku/06.09.13/Turan : Acting Chairman of the Islamic Party of Azerbaijan, Elchin Manafov, commented on the decision of the Supreme Assembly of the party to support in the upcoming presidential election  the candidate of the head of the "Adalat"  party ("Justice"), Ilyas Ismailov.

According Elchin Manafov, Ilyas Ismailov as the candidate, has "the qualities that meet the requirements of the faithful," and  Manafov did not specify what qualities.

How does this decision fits with the participation of leaders and leading members of the party in the National Council of Democratic Forces (NCDF,)  which put forward a candidate for president Jamil Hasanli ? Answering this question, Manafov said that in the NCDF not party is represented, but its members.

According to Manafov, the party decided to support Ilyas Ismailov after  CEC refused to register Movsum Samadov, the  imprisoned chairman of the Islamic party, as a candidate.

Manafov also said that at the meeting of the Supreme Assembly of the party the question was – who, will  the  IPA  support at the elections, Ilyas Ismailov or Jamil Hasanli. By voting a choice was made ​​in favor of Ilyas Ismailov.

The decision of the Islamic Party looks quite strange taking into account that Ismailov had never been seen in the active defense of the rights of believers, including the leader, and a number of leaders of the Islamic Party, arrested for criticism of the authorities in connection with the ban on headscarves in schools.

The decision of the IPA is contrary to the appeal of  Taleh Bagirzade, the most authoritative  theology among the Muslims of Azerbaijani,  kept the Baku prison,  who called  on to support the candidacy of Jamil Hasanli. -05B04-  


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