Xalid Bağırov
- Khalid bey, post-election protests have been on the decrease recently. The authorities are turning a blind eye on one-man actions of protest, yet, they did not permit a May 16 meeting. Also, unsanctioned meeting organizers were not arrested. They were just detained by police, brought to various regions and then released. What is the aim of the new tactics?
- In fact, the tactics is not new. Cases of this sort took place formerly. In so doing, the authorities are hopeful to weaken protest actions through isolating their leaders. By the way, when the news got about that protesters could not join the meeting, the number of possible participants of the action dropped. The point is that this tactics may affect the scope of the action. From this point of view, the said variant has repeatedly been used. The authorities believe that as time goes on the interest in actions of this sort will inevitably slump. To their thinking, the same will happen as regards the election. At stake is the policy of the authorities.
- What is the reason that nobody has been arrested this time? Many observers explain this as being due to the fact that OSCE ODIHR observers are still in the country. What’s your view on the fact?
- There was a plenty of electoral abuse. And OSCE ODIHR is still in the country to watch what is going on. Naturally, they are seeking to rectify wrongdoings. At the same time the arrests are another serious step to cause troubles. At this stage the authorities are refraining from arrests and coercive actions.
- Despite non-arrests in the course of sit-in, we witnessed vicious treatment of participants and journalists by police. The authorities denied the facts. What is it all about?
- Unfortunately, all issues go back to steps of the authorities. Having regard to the fact that we are not presented to the government, we are unaware of purposes, causes and motives of these actions. We are able to make assumptions only. By the way, we can take a statement of Mazahir Panahov, a chairman of the Central Election Commission, as a governmental approach to the matter. Thus, Mazahir Panahov titled a sit-down strike of protest as a very beautiful action. He applied a phrase «I liked this action».
In all appearances, government’s approach is to ease protest tensions in the post-election period. In other words, the authorities are seeking to fend off charges in repressive actions. The point is that the elections proved to be severe, and they are well aware of it. They know that there were no elections as such. The CEC nullified results at four polling districts as saying that it was done due to social network videos.
It’s one thing if complaints go to the CEC and they are investigated; and this is not the case when the CEC is watching abuses through social network videos to make an appropriate decision. In so doing, they are eager to ease possible tensions. The probability remains that there were some communication troubles between governmental bodies on the date of action. So the use of force intensified. As a whole, the government’s policy is set to de-escalate tensions in the post-election period and thus make the election as an ordinary thing of the history.
- Is it possible to prevent protests through the use of these methods?
- To be frank, main burden falls on those protesting. When the number of protesters grows and they are indefatigable and successive, the authorities forfeit opportunities to attain their goals. Unfortunately, political forces are not on the same page. There are no coordination and unifying force between candidates. In other words, there is no mechanism of adopting a unified solution. That’s why each of them may sit it out on the sidelines. In this case, the authorities are likely to reach their objectives.
-What do you think, can protesters change the situation for the better through round-the-clock protests before the CEC?
- Honestly speaking, this is a sensitive period for the authorities. The authorities held clownish elections, and now they are striving to play down the aftertaste. Statements made by Mazahir Panahov are assignable. The authorities are trying to save face after this disgrace. Under this circumstance both dissatisfied and opposition must pool their efforts together and take advantage of the opportunity.
It is worth pointing out that today we must cause the authorities to make a new major blunder. The authorities will lock itself into a stalemate. Also, account has to be taken of the aim set by the authorities. Why was early election held? That was an image project for them. The power is meant to pass from hand to hand, so there was need in the parliamentary election as image project.
One has to admit that the election is reminiscent of the parliamentary election - 2005. After Ilham Aliyev’s advent to power there was need in demonstrating his ability to act at the first parliamentary election.
It must be acknowledged that this semblance was maintained: there were scores of candidates in 2010, 2015 and the same is in 2020. There is a definition of elections with greater number of participants. Something similar is happening today. This time the authorities are eager to save face. That’s the root of the matter. The authorities are not minded to annul results at all 125 constituencies, nor rerun elections. On the other hand, opposition forces are in position to obtain concessions from the government. New opportunities have come to hand. In some cases the authorities will make no concessions but in other cases there are compromises.
-What do you recommend? What needs to be done to mend the situation?
- First, candidates ran in the elections, campaigned and revived hopes of voters, so they must fight for implementation of their promises. The thing is that the elections in Azerbaijan are not restricted within this framework. Other elections are going to come next, so nominees set their hopes on the electorate and must struggle for living up to these expectations. That’s their moral obligation.
- Second, goings-on are to be viewed as opportunity for concentration. I avoid using word «unification» because this phrase excites disgust in Azerbaijan. This phrase has been used too often to make a poor showing today. In this respect, the said concentration should be a sort of mission. Institutions, organizations and nominees are to get consolidated and identify methods of cooperation. This is not the case of electoral institutions only.
It must be borne in mind that the election is over. However, the post-election situation continues not only for organizations and particular persons engaged in the election but for those uninvolved therein as well. The election and concomitant circumstances are expected to form a turning point for all organizations, both involved and boycotting. Perhaps, this will trigger some progress on this track. For this to happen, it is essential to set apart speculative approaches, interdepartmental and domestic squabbles.
As a whole, my point of view on dissatisfied candidates lies in the fact that if opposition forces fail to close their ranks, then these dissatisfied candidates have to unite and create a new structure. In turn, one or several dissatisfied candidates by each polling district must form an association to work together.
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