Isa Gambar: Source of Threats to Independence of Azerbaijan Same - Moscow

Baku / 28.05.19 / Turan: If Azerbaijan today exists as an independent state, then this is primarily the result of a careful attitude of the Azerbaijani people to its sovereignty. At the same time, the independence of Azerbaijan, like other new independent states, is ensured by the West, the free world, and especially by the US factor.

This opinion was expressed by the head of the Center for National Strategic Thought, former head of the Musavat Party, Isa Gambar, in an interview with the Azerbaijani service of the Voice of America, answering the question of what are the relations between Azerbaijan and the United States and Europe, which 101 years ago recognized the independence of the Azerbaijani People"s Republic.

He highly appreciated the support of the West for the independence of the modern Azerbaijan Republic.

"However, we believe that the US and European countries should be more principled in respecting the values ​​they declare in new independent states, such as Azerbaijan," said Gambar.

In 1920, Azerbaijan was occupied by Russia (Soviet Russia). Are there any new threats to the independence of Azerbaijan?

Answering this question, Gambar said "there are threats." "The main source of threats is the same - Moscow, Russia," said Gambar.

According to him, 100 years ago, Russia managed to completely occupy the South Caucasus.

But now it is cannot fully do the same and the reason for this is the position of the international community, and the United States.

In his opinion, the June 1993 insurgency in Azerbaijan (as a result of the insurgency, President Abulfaz Elchibey was overthrown and subsequently Heydar Aliyev became head of the republic) was Moscow"s attempt to limit Azerbaijan"s sovereignty.

And after the presidential elections of 2003, Moscow, together with the Azerbaijani regime, jointly suppress the freedoms of the people and determine the boundaries of democracy so that the Azerbaijani people cannot achieve true democracy.

The events of 2008 in Georgia and 2014 in Ukraine indicate threats from Moscow to the independence of sovereign states.

"These threats continue. In order to be saved from this, the Azerbaijani state must with determination try for the accession of freedoms," said Gambar.

Comparing the systems of governance of the APR and the modern Republic, Gambar said the current corrupt regime ignoring the democratic values ​​with which the first Republic was committed has established an authoritarian system and is following the path of the monarchy.

At the same time, Gambar said the ideas of the APR live in the minds of the citizens of the country and young people, and this gives Gambar a reason to believe that in the not too distant future Azerbaijan can embark on a democratic path of development based on the ideas and values ​​of the APR. -06d--

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