Merkel is aware of the situation in Azerbaijan


-Turgut, you also attended a meeting of the German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, with members of civil society. A small number of participants became the reason for wide discussion in social networks. I would like to know what issues were discussed at the meeting in general.

Turqut Qəmbər - The situation with human rights, the problem of political prisoners, the Karabakh conflict, gender issues, the impact of corruption on Azerbaijan, freedom of assembly, the difficulties faced by NGOs, Azerbaijan's energy ties with Europe, and the general political situation were discussed at the meeting. I think that for a meeting that lasted about one hour, it was a sufficient number of questions.

- What was the attitude of Mrs. Chancellor to the issues raised by you? You can answer this by relying, at least, on your observations. Was Merkel informed about everything that you told her, or was she surprised? In a word, what was her reaction to the processes here, and what she had heard?

- It seemed that Chancellor Merkel has a general idea about Azerbaijan. As an experienced politician and statesman she understands the problems in the country. During the meeting, she listened very attentively, and asked clarifying questions.

- Usually there is an opinion in society that such meetings are formal and protocol. That is, all such meetings are futile. What do you think about these meetings?

- Such meetings are important. A visit of the head of such a state as Germany to Azerbaijan, and a dialogue with speakers of alternative opinion, their desire to listen to the event is positive. On the other hand, such meetings should not be exaggerated, and one should not wait great things. Each meeting and communication has at least a small, but an impact. However, it is wrong to say that such meetings are completely meaningless. But we must all remember that the solution of Azerbaijan's problems is not in any foreign country, but within the country, and people should desire to solve them.

- What exactly do you expect from this meeting? Do you think that there will be any result of this meeting?

- I have already noted that I have no special expectations. Germany will continue to adhere to a common approach and policy. The strategy of the state cannot change under the influence of one meeting. However, not only our meeting, but all meetings and communications held in Azerbaijan, can lead to certain corrections.

-Your thoughts of a young politician are interesting. What processes, in general, can happen in Azerbaijan in the near future? In which direction will the processes change? Is it possible to expect that geographic and world processes can indirectly influence positive changes in the field of human rights and democracy in Azerbaijan?

-Azerbaijan is in a deep political and economic crisis, which covers all areas. Much will depend on the approach of the Azerbaijani authorities. The government will either take the corresponding steps that are appropriate for the difficult situation and go to radical political and economic reforms, or it will neutralize the discontent with repression and fear in the society. The events of the latest three or four years demonstrate how weak the assumption of reforms is. History shows that there is no end to this approach. Authoritarian regimes may fear to neutralize the discontent of the population to a certain point. Actually, it is wrong to give forecasts in politics related to specific time, but I am sure that the beginning of the process of democratization and fundamental changes in Azerbaijan is inevitable.

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