At the trial in the case of Intigam Aliyev protection exposes the lies of the victims (UPDATED)

At the trial in the case  of Intigam Aliyev, the head of the Legal Enlightenment Society (LES) continued hearing of the victims. Lawyers continued their questions to the former chief accountant OPP Gulshan Orujova.

Orujova explained sending payment orders to banks signed by Intigam Aliyev, even when he was not in the country, by completion of projects during the current month or quarter, and therefore the inability to delay the execution of the planned measures. According to Orujova, for this  she wrote  payment orders in advance, and Intigam Aliyev signed them before leaving.

In this regard, a lawyer Shahla Humbatova asked what caused the rush to the drafting  the payment order  on May 12, 2011, that is in the middle of the month, while Aliyev was abroad and had to come back the next day.

However Orujova said she did not remember what kind of project was in question, and could not explain.

In this regard,  a judge Rasim Sadikhov offered protection to name the project. In response Intigam Aliyev once again had to remind that all financial records were seized during a search of the office of the LES, and still have not returned. The state prosecutor, in turn, pointed out that the accountant forwards donor financial reports by e-mail and Intigam Aliyev, and for this there is no need to view the financial documents.

And the judge, referring to Aliyev said: "You are here. But the Internet is free. " However, the judge ignored the offer of  Aliyev to give him a computer in order to view his mail. Orujova again began to give contradictory statements. Previously, she stated that in a special notebook she kept records  of money transferred to the accused   from the account of  her sister. Asking the question if she presented the investigation that notebook Orujova could not  say anything clearly, and then the judge began her prompt reply. In this regard, Intigam Aliyev called the actions of the judge as  a lawyer of Orujova.

 The lawyer Humbatova also reminded that Orujova in her testimony at the previous trial admitted that she worked as chief accountant in the Media Rights Institute. The judge lifted the question if she transferred money of that NGOs  to her sister Afsana Orujova’s account, Orujova said she did not remember. This provoked protest  by Intigam Aliyev. Then spoke the victim Sadiq Bagirov, who worked in 2006-2010 as a lawyer, project coordinator and part-time as treasurer.

Bagirov said that he was found a victim because in the last three months of 2010,  he did not work in the LES,   but 1066 manat were issued on his name.

This statement was submitted him as a  consequence.  Were there any signatures before other names? The victim  could not answer this question, and then the judge called him to come up to him, and showed a volume of the corresponding criminal case, then Bagirov  gave an affirmative answer to the question.

Can the victim How can be he a victim if he did not work at that time? Answering this question, Bagirov  said he partially worked. Bagirov also could not explain why he was to receive 1,066 manat, if previously he received 498 manat monthly. The victim Kenul Bayramov said that he considers herself morally injured. She has worked in the LES from November 2009 to September 2010, and then went to study in Germany. However, the investigation presented her paper that on her name was issued a salary for October-December 2010.  In turn, Intigam Aliyev said that these statements are forged.

He said that the investigation seized seals,  and computers of the LES, and could falsify any document.

Investigation stubbornly refuses examination of signatures  on the alleged documents. The next court hearing is scheduled for 11:00 am on 10 March.

** Intigam Aliyev was arrested on 8 August, 2014 on charges of illegal business, tax evasion and abuse of office. Subsequently, he was also accused of embezzling and forgery. International human rights organization Amnesty International recognized him as a “prisoner of conscience.”- 06C-

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2015 March 03 (Tuesday) 14:17:35

On the trial of Intigam Aliyev on Tuesday continued testimony of the former accountant of Legal Education Society (LES) Gulshan Orujova. The prosecutor's office said she is a victim.

Recall that Orujova claims that at the request of Intigam Aliyev she transferred funds to NGOs through her sister Afsana Orujova in Unibank.

Then she cashed the money and handed it to Intigam Aliyev, and so he allegedly embezzled 119 thousand manat.

However, in the court Orujova gave confused testimony that sometimes contradicted with what she said during the preliminary investigation and on the trial before.

So, at the previous meeting Orujova said her sister did not receive any means from Intigam Aliyev. Today Orujova claimed that Intigam Aliyev still gave her 500 manat.

She was unable to give a clear answer to the question of the defense, why she did not inform law enforcers about the "illegal activities" of Intigam Aliyev in the past.

According to Orujova, the money was transferred to her sister under the guise of payment for translation services. At the same time, Intigam Aliyev drew volunteers for free translation.

Intigam Aliyev himself presented books published in the Azerbaijani language. These were complex texts of precedent decisions of the European Court of Human Rights.

"Not every translator could translate them and volunteers could not do it for sure," said Aliyev. The books list the names of the real translators.

Intigam Aliyev reiterated that the investigation does not return the financial documents arrested in the office to the defense. The defense considers that the investigation did a document fraud and in particular forged the signatures of Intigam Aliyev. That is why the investigation did not appoint examination of the signatures.

The judge Rasim Sadikhov rejected many questions asked by the defense, effectively helping the victim to get away from the answers. Finally, the judge removed the question why Orujova considers herself a "victim." Then the lawyer Javad Javadov asked what Orujova complains about.

To this she replied that she complains that for 4 months she was summoned on this case, but then the judge interrupted her.

Next Orujova said that she was not given a salary of 242 manat in January 2014, although the money was allocated.

However, the authenticity of her words cannot be established because the financial documents are at the disposal of the investigation.

The judge tried his best to complete the examination of the victim, but Intigam Aliyev said that he still had questions.

The trial was adjourned until 14.30.

*** Intigam Aliyev was arrested on 8 August 2014 on charges of illegal business, tax evasion and abuse of office. Subsequently, he was also accused of embezzling and forgery. Amnesty International recognized him as a "prisoner of conscience". -06C-

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