Огтай Гюльалыев

Огтай Гюльалыев

Baku / 07/10/19 / Turan: Responsibility for the death of Aydin Gurbanov arrested in connection with the Ganja events in the prison hospital is directly borne by the Azerbaijani authorities.

This was stated by human rights activist Ogtay Gyulalyev.

The fact that Gurbanov was seriously ill was known for a long time. Leaders of the country were sent requests for assistance for his release.

But he was not even allowed to spend the last days of his life with his family.

"I believe that what happened with Aydin Gurbanov is an indicator of cruelty against him. The man was slandered, arrested, tortured and as a result of all this he lost his life," said Gyulalyev.

Officials are guilty of Gurbanov"s death, the human rights activist said. According to him, sanctions similar to the Magnitsky Act should be applied to end impunity for torture and death of prisoners against violators of human rights.

Accused of participation in the Ganja events of July 2018, Aydin Gurbanov died from stomach cancer in the Prison Service hospital on July 10.

Gurbanov was arrested under Art. 228.3 of the Criminal Code (illegal arms trafficking as part of an organized armed group). After his arrest, he was diagnosed with cancer.

** On July 3, 2018, in Ganja, an attempt was made on the then head of the city, Elmar Veliyev. A native of Ganja, Younis Safarov wounded him and his bodyguard.

After that, in social networks, a protest action against Veliyev was scheduled for July 10 in front of the Ganja administration building.

On July 10, the MIA reported on the unrest in Ganja, during which two police officers were killed. Following this, mass arrests among believers began. In total about 60 people were brought to criminal responsibility. Another 6 people were killed while providing armed resistance.

In early March, two groups of the accused (14 men) were sentenced to various terms ranging from 5 to 8 years in prison on charges of participating in mass riots and violence against police officers. -0

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