Azim Geychisaz, Iranian Azerbaijanis, who conquered all 14 eight-thousanders

  On 19 May a citizen of Iran, an ethnic Azerbaijani,  Azim Geychisaz, subdued  the highest peak of the  Mount Everest without the use of the oxygen mask. This is the second ascent of 34-year-old Azim to Everest. First time in 2005, he reached the summit top oxygen. By 2014, he successfully conquered 13 eight-thousanders without oxygen.

"In the world there are 14 mountain 8000 meters high peaks, and I have won 13 of them, but as I climbed Everest using supplemental oxygen, I am ready to conquer this peak again without supplemental oxygen,"  said the climber agency of Iran on the eve of the ascent .

Geychisaz was born and lives in Tabriz; he is a member of the Iranian national team in mountaineering. Azim is a great friend of the Mountaineering Federation of Azerbaijan and participated in a joint climbing with friends from Baku. So, two years ago, he, Israfil Ashurly and Firuz Dadashov was involved in climbing on Shishapangma (8013 m.) However, the rise did not take place. Azim voluntarily refused from the top and helped a sick friend from Azerbaijan.

Geychisaz was also successful participants in climbing the Chogori together with Turkish alpinists. -02В-

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