Businessman accuses leaders of the Moscow Diaspora of his kidnapping


On Friday the Azerbaijani businessman Vahid Azizov, who works in Moscow, held press conference in media center, and spoke about his kidnapping two years ago.

He considers unjust punishment which the court ruled against four of his captors: Roman Bagirov, Elvin Azizov, Bahruz Gafarov, and Fazil Agayev.

These persons were convicted under Articles 145.2 (illegal imprisonment) and 182.1 (extortion by threats.)

The entrepreneur wants a revise the charges and re-qualification of the accusation as “kidnapping.” 

According to Vahid Aziz, during the kidnapping, the four men presented themselves as officers of the Department to fight against organized crime, but as it turned out, their identity cards were forged.

Azizov said that the kidnapping took place two years ago in October, in Saatli region. "One of the kidnappers was in police uniform, others in civilian clothes. They demanded from me 115,000 manat," said Azizov. The kidnappers said that the entrepreneur committed a crime in Moscow, and therefore should pay off. However, Azizov did not commit any crime, and therefore complained to the prosecutor's office of Saatli region.

"Now I want that those who ordered my kidnapping be punished.  They are the chairman of the Azerbaijani society in Moscow, Oktay Huseynov, chief editor of "Diaspora" newspaper, Rafiq Huseynov, Chairman of the Party of “Free Republicans”, Kamil Seidov.

According to Azizov, he was told about it by one of the kidnappers, Roman Bagirov. Turan failed to get comments from the above mentioned persons.  -16C04-


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