Court Leaves Fuad Ahmadli in Custody

The Nasimi District Court of Baku on September 8 rejected a defense motion to change the measure of restraint against the activist of the Popular Front Party of Azerbaijan (PFPA), Fuad Ahmadli, from detention to house arrest. Turan was told by his lawyer Asabali Mustafayev.

According to him, the defense presented the court medical reports of Ahmadli’s serious health problems and hazards of keeping in jail for his life. However, the judge Shalala Hasanova did not heed the arguments of the defense.

The lawyer is going to appeal the court decision.

Ahmadli suffers from lung disease. According to his relatives, shortly before his arrest, the activist had surgery because of pneumothorax (air penetration into the pleural cavity from the environment as a result of violation of the integrity of the surface of the lung). The disease causes shortness of breath and cough and decreases exercise tolerance. Under the conditions of the detention center the disease progresses because of the narrowness and poor airing. Ahmadli was already called an ambulance in the first days after his arrest, when he was still detained in the detention center of the State Security Service.

Ahmadli was arrested on August 18. The evening of August 19 the State Security Service and the Prosecutor General's Office of Azerbaijan issued a joint statement in connection with Ahmadli’s case. The press release reported that Ahmadli is charged with dissemination of personal data of subscribers to the Azerfon mobile communication company where he worked. Ahmadli is charged with violation of the legislation on operative-investigative activity and abuse of office. According to law enforcement officials, during the search in Ahmadli’s apartment the law enforcers found legally prohibited religious books and CD disks, and leaflets with Gulen’s speeches. On August 23, law enforcement authorities reported the merger of Ahmadli’s case with the case of another activist of PFPA Faig Amirov, also suspected of collaboration with the Gulen organization.

PFPA rejects these accusations and calls them fabricated for political reasons. -06d--

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