Cahangir Hacıyev

Cahangir Hacıyev

Baku / 26.11.19 / Turan: The Baku Court of Appeal continues consideration of the appeals by the ex-head of the International Bank of Azerbaijan (IBA) Jahangir Hajiyev, ex-deputy Dunyamin Khalilov and 19 more accused.

During a meeting on Monday, Jahangir Hajiyev again rejected all charges, noting that after 4.5 years the investigation had not provided any evidence, and the 365-volume case consists of common words.

He recalled that in 2014, under his leadership, the IBA received a net profit of 40 million manats, and after the resignation, in 2015 and 2016 the bank completed the years with losses of 800 million and 1.9 billion manats, respectively.

Hajiyev denied allegations of "money laundering." "If the bank itself is a source of money, then how can the money be "dirty"? These funds were transferred to foreign banks to implement projects, so how can they be considered "dirty"? Will foreign banks accept "dirty money"?” said Hajiyev, calling nonsense the charge of embezzlement of 4.7 billion dollars.

He expressed the hope that the “reforms and publicity” launched in the country will affect this court case. The lawyers also pointed to contradictions in the case and made a number of motions that were not granted.

The trial will continue on December 9th.

* Hajiyev was arrested on December 5, 2015, and the Baku Serious Crimes Court sentenced him to 15 years in prison. He and seven other people were found guilty of abuse, fraud with causing serious damage, misappropriation and embezzlement, abuse of power, and bribery.

At the end of December 2018, the Prosecutor General’s Office announced that Hajiyev had been charged with a new case under articles on misappropriation of a large amount of money, legalization of proceeds from crime, tax evasion, etc.

He is charged with concluding transactions on the sale of bills not having real value and totaling $ 3.4 billion and 987 million euros. Hajiyev and Khalilov denied the charge.

In September of this year, the court added another 1.5 years in prison to Hajiyev and Khalilov each.  -16C06-


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