Flood victims against the Ministry for Emergency Situations (MES)

Today the Shirvan economic-administrative court held hearings on the claims of residents  of Sabirabad, Saatli, Salyan and Imishli regions affected by the floods of 2010.

The judges  Elkhan Amiraliyev and Ikhtiyar Abushev considered  the claims of four  groups totaling 18 people. They demand the restoration of  their destroyed housing and  fair compensation. Claims  were filed against MES, JSC "Irrigation and Water Management", and local authorities.

At today's trial the MES  was represented by Vugar Hajiyev,  and JSC "Irrigation and Water Management" did not send  its  representative. Coordinator of staff "Kura", Oktay Gyulalyev,  representing the plaintiffs, also attended the hearing. 

According to the headquarters "Kura", representative of Ministry of Emergency Situations, Hajiyev, said that a decision on the restoration and strengthening of buildings, the process of payment of compensation to some of the plaintiffs, have been adopted.  He presented copies of the technical inspection of the plaintiffs' homes and the position of MES. Hajiyev confirmed that houses of  some plaintiffs have not been yet examined, and explained it by the fact that the lists  of houses to be inspected  come from local authorities.

Gyulalyev reminded that  30 months have past after the flood, and 460 million manat  were allocated for the elimination of the flood consequences, but many citizens have not received a compensation yet. At the same time, at last, some citizens began to receive compensation. Gyulalyev urged  the MES to solve problems and other citizens.

Part of the plaintiffs withdrew  their claims  in connection with the beginning of the rehabilitation of housing and compensation. Others have asked the court to make the MES restore their houses and  fair compensation. They also pointed out that the JSC "Irrigation and Water Management" also caused damage after flooding, when their fields and gardens suffered from equipment, erecting dams.

The judge invited the parties to go to  come to agreement and scheduled the next hearing  for November 28 with the involvement in it  the representatives of the  executive power of  Imishli and Saatli regions.

As  it was reported, 130 flood victims have filed lawsuits in the courts. Part of the appeals was granted by the MES. On  two unsatisfied claims the complaint  was sent to the European Court of Human Rights. Currently 96 are to be considered.—0—


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