Former Employee of Concern Avesta Requires Her Wages

The accountant of the company Avesta Konserni Sabira Sadigova in her video appeal urged the company to pay the debts on wages to the employees for several months, and requested the Government to assist in the removal of this lawlessness.

According to her, in 2015, employees received a salary only for January and it was done only in March. For all other months the salary was not paid.

"I was hired at the head office of the company in October 2013. In the agreement it was stated that my salary will be 200 manats. The second copy of the employment contract was not presented to me.

I worked as an assistant vice-president of the company and worked in the accounting department - in the financial division. On July 1, 2014 I was designated as an accountant with a salary of 250 manats.

On April 10, 2015 I resigned at my own request. In 2015 I was able to get only a tiny fraction of my salary," said Sabira Sadigova in her video address.

According to her, from January 2015, the company began to delay the issuance of salaries and refuses to repay the debt to its employees. In the case of non-payment of the debt she threatens to sue them.

Turan's attempts to get a comment in Avesta produced no results, as the telephone of the company did not respond.

Recall that its head Ibrahim Ibrahimov (Nehramli) was recently arrested and detained in jail in connection with non-payment of loan to the International Bank. A few days later he was released after repayment of the debt. He had spent the loan from the International Bank (78 million dollars) on the extremely dubious project Caspian Islands near Baku. -03D-

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