Freedom House: Azerbaijan remains a country with a free press

The human rights organization Freedom House has published an annual report on the state of press freedom in the world. According to the multi-page document, the level of media freedom in the world has fallen to the lowest level in the last 12 years. The report assesses the state of the press in 199 countries, which are classified as "free", "partly free" and "not free." Overall, only 13% of the population has access to a free press; 41% of people are partly free press, and 46% have a "free press." The most non-free media is in Belarus, Cuba, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Iran, North Korea, Syria, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.

The most free press is in Norway, Belgium, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Andorra, Switzerland and Liechtenstein. Azerbaijan ranks one of the last among the 189 countries with a "free press" status.

Armenia ranks 139th, as having a "free press", and Georgia ranks 96th with a status of "partly free press." Russia ranks 176 place also with the "free press." According to the report, the authorities of  Azerbaijan, Russia and Tajikistan have tightened control over the press, suppressing "discontent platform." In Azerbaijan, the authorities stepped up harassment of journalists and media  that carry out investigating on  corruption, the report notes. -02D-

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