Human rights activist meet in prison with the "prisoners of conscience"

The head of a public alliance "Azerbaijan without political prisoners" Oktay Gyulalyev visited on Thursday  the convicted  activist of the Popular Front Party (APFP) Murad Adilov in jail. According to the human rights activist, Adilov  conveyed greetings and appreciation to all those who made efforts for the release of political prisoners. First of all, he thanked the organization "Amnesty International".

"Everyone knows that Murad was arrested not so much for his opposition activities,  but for the journalistic activities of his brother - Natig Gyulahmedoglu, who was press secretary of Azerbaijan Popular Front Party, a reporter of the newspaper" Azadlig "and leading opposition TV program" Azerbaijani hour ". Murad is actually a political hostage," said Gyulalyev.

"The authorities must find the strength to put aside revenge, and release Murad and other innocent prisoners of conscience," said Gyulalyev. Adilov was arrested in August 2014 on charges of drug trafficking on a large scale, and was  sentenced to 6 years imprisonment.

In fact Adilov was  arrested for political activities, and for putting pressure on his brother, journalist Natig Adilov - leading opposition TV channel "Azerbaijani hour", which operates in France. The authors of this resource sharply criticized the Azerbaijani authorities for corruption and human rights violations.

Human rights organizations have recognized Adilov a political prisoner.-06D--

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