Khadija Ismaylova intends to seek compensation from the prosecutor"s office

On Tuesday  an investigative journalist Khadija Ismayilova was once again, the fifth time  over the past week questioned in the Investigation Department for Serious Crimes of  Prosecutor General's Office , as a witness in a criminal case of disclosing state secrets.

During interrogation her personal computer was examined, journalists  were  told by  Ismaylova. She noted that the investigation was interested in her meeting with the staff of the U.S. Senate  at  the restaurant Art Garden. " They looked at my computer, checked my e-mail, correspondence in Facebook, correspondence with a former employee of the National Security Ministry, Ramin Nagiyev.  It  becomes clear that  on 19 February, it was decided to check my electronic tools and media," said Ismayilova.

She was surprised by the presence of such judgment, and  said that such checks  was unfounded. Ismaylova and her lawyer Elton Guliyev expressed  protest about this.

Asking the question   if  the continual  summons  cause trouble to her professional activities, Ismaylova said that "of course  it is terribly." "The investigation every time summons  us. It takes much time,  and  work regime  is disrupted.

Several times I could not  be  on air because of this. Now I  an consulting with lawyers how to compensate  financially the  time  taken by prosecutor," said Ismaylova.

As to the meeting in  the Art Garden,  the investigator asked Ismaylova whether  she passed the Americans a list of  people cooperating with the secret  services.

"I said that I do not have such a list. Because they asked why Americans met it with me.

I told them to search it on Google on Azerbaijan and see how much information  contains my name," said Ismaylova.

She added that they were members of the Senate Committee on Foreign Affairs, which  adopts  decision on the activities of "Radio Liberty". Therefore, they had to meet with the staff of "Radio Liberty." 

Investigators asked  if the Americans asked Ismaylova whether she had information related to state secrets, she said. "And Americans understand that I do not have a state secret," said Ismaylova.

At the same time, Ismaylova asked whether a journalist Fatullayev (who wrote an article about the meeting  of Ismaylova with Americans  in the restaurant and claiming that they are the scouts), or Jeyhun Osmanli (MP, claiming that the prosecutor gave Ismaylova an  audio recording  of Ismaylova with the Americans) have been interrogated. However, investigators  told her that they could not tell her about it.

The  lawyer Elton Guliyev  was asked not to disclose  the investigation secrecy, and  refrained from comment.

Being asked  when Ismaylova will be summoned next time, she said that  she will be informed  about it  additionally. -16D-


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